Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ellies First Easter

So, I had a brilliant idea, so I thought. I was out shopping one day and saw this cute little bunny that the kids were sitting with and taking pictures, like Santa. I came home and told Jeff, wouldn't it be so cute to take Ellie to have her Easter pictures taken with the Easter Bunny. He giggled and said sure...(what a good husband, always agrees with his wife's crazy ideas).

We got Ellie all dressed up, flower in her growing hair and went to see the Easter Bunny. Mind you Ellie LOVED Santa Claus so I figured it was going to be the same type of experience. OH was I wrong... this was her expression.

I felt so bad, but at the same time I LOVE this picture!! We were finally able to get a not so scared but I am still really mad at you look...

I love this little girl so much and I am loving every minute of every day with her. Happy Easter!!!